I am an Educational Psychologist in Kloof, conveniently within reach of the Hillcrest, Westville and Durban areas. My special interest is in learning and development throughout life and as such, I provide tailored services within early childhood (ages 0-4), education (age 4 – adulthood) and in career guidance.
Since my son was born in 2010, I have had a passion for understanding the brain and not only how it works, but how it develops. What takes a brain from a mass of loosely connected cells to a highly efficient, massively complex information processing power house? And if we know how this development happens, how do we optimise it? After my son underwent a school readiness assessment my interest in psychology and the process of understanding children through assessment was piqued and so I started my journey towards becoming an Educational Psychologist. I have a passion for education, and assessments (investigating, understanding and diagnosing barriers to learning and development, and exploring development throughout the lifespan) is now my life’s work.
On this site you will find a variety of service offerings, educational assessment, career assessment, developmental assessment, play therapy in young children. All are informed by the understanding that the body and mind are one thing and that to develop, we must understand the brain and the mind and then harness its power